"How big this truck is?" Almost, we receive this question every day dozen of times. We all have difficulty to understand the relation between a scale and the true measurement of any diecast trucks. Today, I am trying to elaborate how scale works with diecast trucks.
1) First thing First: Higher the number, smaller the truck is. So a toy truck built at 1:32 scale is bigger than 1:43 scale truck, ultimately 1:43 scale is bigger than 1:64 scale diecast truck. Check the picture below: Showing three aligned diecast trucks are standing with thier respective scales.

Below is an ineqality equation for some popular diecast truck's scale:
1:32 > 1:43 > 1:50 > 1:58 > 1:64 > 1:87
2) Two different diecast replicas, having same scale, may not necessarily have the same measurements. Like Toyota Camry and Toyota Corolla in real life have different measurements , so is true with their replica at same scale.
3) When you read a scale, it has to be read in a correct manner. Such as 1:32 scale will read as "
One Is To Thirty two", and NOT as "one thirty two". One One can also write the same scale as 1/32 scale, which will read as "
One By Thirty two" or "One over Thirty Two". It would be misleading if 1:32 scale reads as 132 scale. As it would implies a replica which is 132 time smaller than its real counterpart. Remember that scale is a proportion so it must be shown or read in ratio and not otherwise.